Thursday, December 1, 2011

Oh Happy Day! Our Little Man turns 4!

So Today is THE day.

Our little Man is turning 4 in just 6 short hours!

Hard to believe that four years ago we were in a hospital room waiting for him to arrive and see what he looked like.

I do want to thank Lizzy for walking the halls with me four years ago as we waited for labor to progress. Your friendship means the world to us, and we love you so very much! I will always cherish those memories, and the hours we spent together as we waited for Logan.

I also want to thank my Mommy for being brave enough to be in the hospital room with us. We love you and we're very thankful Logan has you for a Grandma. Even though we live a state away you are a Major part of Logan's life and always will be.

And the final Person who was there on that day.....

My lovely Husband.

Thank you for giving me such a wonderfully booger headed little boy. (And of course for staying during almost the entire labor/delivery... except for that bit when you had to rush home to pick up the hospital bags ;] ) <3 You two are the most important guys in my life.

And this concludes your yearly dose of sappyness. For those who were there during the Labor/Birth of Little/Big Logan four years ago.

I love you all.

Birthday Pictures to come later this week.

Final Review for Private Selections Foods!

So this is my last review for the Private Selection BzzAgent campaign. I'm very glad I decided to break the products up and try them individually on different nights. I think it helped me with reviewing each item.

The final Private Selection product we tried was the Pepperoni Thin Crust pizza.

Let me start by saying it looks pretty much like every other frozen pizza out there. It has a good amount of pepperoni's on it, and a good amount of cheese as well.

The pizza cooks really quickly and cools down quickly, so if you're looking for something fast this would be it.

**Be sure to watch it closely though as it does turn brown quickly if you're not paying close attention**

Upon tasting the pizza, it honestly tastes the same as most other frozen pizza's. Which is neither good or bad I guess as it didn't taste horrible... It was just okay.

One of those if it's there, sure I'll eat it, if it's not, I wont really miss it, kinds of foods.

I'm on the fence on whether or not we'll be trying a new pizza, maybe one with more crust as the 'Thin' crust does kind of resemble a cracker like taste once it cools.

I'm going to give the pizza 3 stars simply because it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't amazing.

Over all My experiences with Private Selection have been decent and I'm glad we were able to try out new foods. We will be buying the Deserts again and maybe if we ever get brave enough possibly try out a different appetizer/pizza combonation.