((((((I was able to try these products due to being a BzzAgent. for more information go to www.bzzagent.com))))))
The Lots of Lashes mascara is good, it doesn't clump when you put it on which is nice and it goes on fairly easy. However I do not like the brush. I found it to be small, and since there is no real shape to the brush it is kind of a pain to put it on the inside eye lashes.
Over all Lots of Lashes is a good product, and I would recommend it to friends in the future.
Now on to the Baby Lips lip gloss... This product is nice, however instructions say it takes at least four weeks to see the 'improvements' they have listed on the back. I've only been using it for about 3 days now so no real improvements. I really wish there was a shape to the lip gloss instead of it just being a giant stick of lip gloss. (No shape means you have to watch where you're putting it if you have little upper lip like me lol) The lip gloss goes on smoothly, but if you use one of the color glosses and have cracked lips you WILL see the cracks through the gloss so be aware of that when deciding color/no color gloss ;)
Over all Baby Lips is so far a good product, I will have to update again in four weeks time to see if there have been any major 'lip' improvements.
I would recommend both Lots of Lashes and Baby Lips to those who are searching for something new at a great low price.
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